Hi Everyone, I’m Back!

Hello there!

I’m back with a small update… My husband and I (and probably Pearl too) got a little tired of the road. When more and more things started going wrong for us, we decided it was time to head back home. And it all worked out for the best. Almost like it was meant to be!

We went back to work and saved up more for our dream of owning land debt free. Shortly after we got back my dad came to visit and wanted to go for a hike. He was curious about the acreage for sale next to my mom’s property so we checked it out.

Flash forward 6 months or so (it was a probate sale so the courts and all sorts of lawyers were involved) and we now own a parcel of land bordering my mom’s home! This was huge for us! One of our biggest concerns was the possibility of relocating far away from family and friends.

It’s completely raw land and we want to remain debt free so the development is slow going. But it’s important to look back and remember where we were a year ago or even six months ago and see how much we have accomplished. One of our dreams came true!

I'm Back I'm Back I'm Back

In other news, our family has remained very lucky and healthy during this pandemic. However, I find myself with a lot more time on my hands since my work shut down. I’m giving this blogging thing another go!

The stress of the trip and travel and finding internet and then not having much to share when our progress slowed really burnt me out. But I’m stationary now and still as curious and thirsty for knowledge as ever. Also just as scattered in my interests and passions but I’m trying new techniques to focus.

I’m back with at least two posts a week. That seems quite manageable. I have tons of inspiration with my new projects or experiments – as I like to refer to them – that I can’t wait to share!

I plan to continue to share about my reading life. I’ve also been testing out a lot of new recipes in the kitchen including experimenting with fermenting foods. I’m making many of my own bath products and playing with essential oils. For the first time in several years, I also have a garden going again!

I’m always looking for new ways to keep us healthy, growing, and happy. Join me as I share my journey and let me know where you are in your own!

Oh and Pearl is doing great! She’s still incredibly lazy and spoiled rotten. Our newest thing is incorporating meat into her diet (on the vet’s recommendation). Much to my carnivore husband’s dismay we didn’t really have meat in the house until the dog needed it! That just shows how much we love her. He doesn’t mind cooking it and sharing with her.

Hi everyone, I'm back

How is everyone? I hope everyone is hanging in there, staying healthy and safe!

4 responses to “Hi Everyone, I’m Back!”

  1. Poor Mike only gets meat because of the dog 🤣 so happy to see you posting again! 💗

About Me Photo with Christmas Lights

Hi, I’m Becca! A lover of romance novels, bookish candles, and seasonal TBRs. Grab your favorite drink and let’s gush about books!