I often use essential oils in my natural skin care routine. Many oils have beneficial properties for skin from soothing to disinfecting to regeneration.
Tea tree oil is often used to help acne prone skin because of it’s antibacterial and antifungal properties. Lavender and clary sage are known to soothe skin irritations. Frankincense, helichrysum, and myrrh all rejuvenate skin and help reduce the appearance of wrinkles or scars.
I have a few favorite essential oils that I add to my homemade soaps, lotions, and balms, both for their scents and their benefits to maintaining skin health. Recently I began branching out into trying even more oils with specific skin benefits like geranium, myrrh, and helichrysum.
If you’re making your own personal care products like I do, carrier oils are also an important part. I’ll have a guide to choosing the right ones for your skin type and the benefits of using different oils coming soon.
The Importance of Pure Oils and Safe Use
Essential oils offer the best benefits and therapeutic properties when they’re used in their pure form. It’s important to ensure you’re working with 100% pure essential oil. Since essential oils aren’t regulated by the FDA, the first step to that is purchasing oils from a company that practices transparency by offering 3rd party GM/CS testing and sharing the results.
A little education goes a long way when you’re first starting out with these powerful substances. There are many transparent companies out there. I happen to use Plant Therapy essential oils for this reason plus a variety of others that I cover in my guide, Beginning with Essential Oils. I also appreciate the emphasis they place on educating their customers about safe dilution practices.
After hearing a lot about Mountain Rose Herbs, reading up on their practices, and searching through various reviews, I’ve decided to give their oils a try too.
Best Essential Oils for Different Skin Types and Issues
Dry Skin
- lavender
- ylang ylang
- clary sage
- sandalwood
- best carrier oils: avocado, sweet almond, or argan
Sensitive Skin
- lavender
- ylang ylang
- geranium
- helichrysum
- neroli
- roman chamomile
- rose
- best carrier oils: jojoba or sunflower
Oily or Acne Prone Skin
- lavender
- frankincense
- clary sage
- geranium
- tea tree
- lemon
- basil
- cedarwood
- cypress
- grapefruit
- juniper
- best carrier oils: apricot kernel or grapeseed
Aging or Mature Skin and Wrinkles
- carrot seed
- geranium
- lavender
- clary sage
- frankincense
- myrrh
- helichrysum
- neroli
- rose
- best carrier oils: rosehip seed or pomegranate
The 5 Essential Oils I Use Most Often for Natural Skin Care

1. Lavender
Lavender is known as the universal oil because of its many benefits. That applies to natural skin care too. Lavender soothes skin, can clear up blemishes, and promotes a clear complexion. This essential oil can also reduce scars and wrinkles and even help heal burns.

2. Frankincense Frereana
Frankincense frereana is the type of frankincense that is best for skin care. It’s known for its skin rejuvenating properties. It can help heal damaged skin including wounds or cuts. When included in a natural skin care routine, it smoothes wrinkles and scars.

3. Ylang Ylang
Ylang ylang adds a wonderful sweet floral scent to beauty care products as well as boosting skin care properties. It helps retain moisture in skin. It is also great for hair!

4. Tea Tree
Tea tree tends to be most popular as a disinfectant in cleaning products but it’s also great for skin, especially acne prone. It eases irritated skin by reducing redness and healing blemishes.

5. Clary Sage
Clary sage has been put on hold in my natural skin care routine until the end of my pregnancy but it usually has a top spot in my diy products. Its properties reduce inflammation and soothe skin. Clary sage can also help balance sebum and excess oil.
New Oils I’m Trying in My Natural Skin Care

This essential oil has great skin-balancing properties along with a luxurious scent. It’s great for most skin types or issues and can improve overall complexion. Geranium can smooth wrinkles, balance oily skin, and help with blemishes.
Myrrh has many benefits for skin. It reduces inflammation, has antifungal properties, and helps moisturize. It’s especially useful for aging or mature skin in staying nourished and reducing the appearance of wrinkles.
Roman Chamomile
Chamomile is calming to skin as well as to the senses. Roman chamomile is a great choice for sensitive skin types. It can gently soothe redness and irritation as well as rashes and bites.
Helichrysum is an expensive and rare oil grown in only a few spots around the world. It is known for it’s skin rejuvenation and healing properties. It reduces redness and inflammation, can speed up healing and lessen the appearance of scars.
Natural Skin Care DIY Recipes
- Natural Face Wash – recipe coming soon
- Basic Moisturizer
- Simple Face Oil – recipe coming soon
- Roller Bottle Recipe to Help Skin Ailments
- Basic Homemade Face Toner – recipe coming soon
- Natural Body Wash
- Homemade Deodorant
- Hand Butter for Dry Skin
- Natural Belly Butter
Essential Oil Resources:
A Basic Guide to Beginning with Essential Oils
Modern Essentials: The Complete Guide to the Therapeutic Use of Essential Oils
Are essential oils part of your skin care routine? What are your favorite combinations for your skin type?