Book Review: Forbidden by Beverly Jenkins

This book fits so many of my reading goals for 2021. I want to branch out into new subgenres of romance, read more diversely, and try at least one new author each month. Beverly Jenkins is a new to me author as well as an author of color. I haven’t read historical romance for quite awhile and it was wonderful to get back into that subgenre with Forbidden.

Book Review Forbidden by Beverly Jenkins


The Rundown

Set during the Old West, Eddy Carmichael is a black woman who was born free. On her way to the new life she dreams of in California, her kind nature is taken advantage of and she winds up near death abandoned in the desert. She’s rescued by the handsome Rhine Fontaine and taken to Virginia City, Nevada to recover.

Rhine has built a successful business for himself after the Civil War that depends on him passing as white. Captivated by Eddy’s beauty, spirit, and directness, Rhine finds himself rethinking that choice for the first time in years.

Although the attraction and passion is mutual, Eddy knows they can never be together. Once she saves up enough money, she’ll continue to California to open her own restaurant. Rhine must decide if he should tell Eddy the truth. Is a life with Eddy is worth giving up the life he’s built?


Rating and Review

Rating : ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 4 stars

Steam Level: 2


A note on the steam level of this book. There actually was no sex on page but there are some rather descriptive scenes of all that can come before. Rhine teaches Eddy what pleasures her body is capable of.


An amazing audio experience

I listened to Forbidden on audio, something I’ve been getting back into this year. The book is narrated by Kim Staunton. Her vocal rhythm was perfect for this story and made the listening experience so enjoyable! Also this cover is gorgeous!


Wonderful historical information seamlessly woven in

The Old West is a time period and setting I didn’t expect to enjoy reading about. I found I loved the historical elements in Forbidden. Jenkins has a talent for weaving in historical information without taking away from the romance story. It felt seamless.

The book starts out a little bit slow. Jenkins takes time to build the town and the cast of local characters. It was detailed, possibly for future books in this series, but the story never felt like it dragged to me.


A hero who doesn’t want to change the heroine

Rhine is a hero who accepts Eddy for exactly who she is. His storyline had to do with realizing what kind of life he wanted to live and if the changes were worth making. Rhine never wanted to change Eddy or rein her in. Not only did he support her dreams and her independent hardworking nature, he admired them. I fell for both Eddy and Rhine!

Forbidden by Beverly Jenkins

There are two more books in this series so far with a fourth expected to be released this year. I’m really looking forward to reading more from Beverly Jenkins!

What are your favorite historical romances? Have you read Forbidden?

Book Review Forbidden by Beverly Jenkins

About Me Photo with Christmas Lights

Hi, I’m Becca! A lover of romance novels, bookish candles, and seasonal TBRs. Grab your favorite drink and let’s gush about books!